Phone: 231-742-8211

Moss Removal

Preparing for your House Cleaning with A Clean House Division of Lakeshore Exterior Cleaning

Roof Wash and House Wash


What to Expect for our House Cleaning Services from A CLEAN HOUSE


Preparing for our visit to clean and detail your luxury coach


Luxury Coach Wash and Detail Services


Getting ready to take your RV Coach on the road? Here’s a checkup list to prepare you for smooth sailing.

Time for the Yearly Maintenance Checklist for your RV Coach? We can Help!

Moss Removal

Moss Removal

Moss Removal Moss on my Roof–how bad can it be? Moss thrives in shady, cool, humid environments. Houses live in shady, cool, humid environments,…


Gutters Gutters…how bad can they be? Do I HAVE to clean them out? If you let your gutters live their own life, you can…

Solar Panel

Solar Panels

Solar Panels Solar panels–to clean, or not to clean? That is the question. This is a very controversial topic among solar panel afficionados. Many…



Around the time of Christ, the term, graffiti, was used to refer to inscriptions and figure drawings found on the walls of ancient ruins, like Pompeii or the Roman Catacombs.